Meeting Minutes 7/20/2021

Bosque Film Society

Regular Meeting

Tuesday, July 20, 2021, 5:30 p.m.

Clifton Civic Center 403 W 3rd St, Clifton, TX 76634

Attendees: Bill Calhoon, Bryan Davis, Nathan Diebenow (Secretary), Will Godby, Angela Smith (Vice President), Matt Wallace, Miriam Wallace (Treasurer), Brett Voss (President). Not present: Megan Major, Richard Major, Simone Voss.

B. Voss called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and confirmed of the agenda’s posting. No citizens from outside the current membership were present to comment in open forum. No minutes from the previous meeting were available to review.

In old business, B. Voss updated the group on the status of the Bosque Film Society’s 501(c)3 nonprofit filing, noting he had not heard anything yet three weeks after filing the appropriate documents online with the Texas Secretary of State. Matt Wallace updated the group on the status of the new BFS website ( and e-newsletter. The site should be up in early August coinciding with the launch of the drive for the Society’s charter members. The group discussed points of appeal and benefits to become a BFS member.. Discussion also revolved around promotional materials and outlets, such as short video clips produced by members.

In new business, B. Voss started discussion on a future rental agreement between the BFS and The CLIFTEX’s owners, the Majors. After discussion, the group’s consensus was to pay for at least six film screenings a year (one screening every other month), a sum of $900 a year under the owners’ current rental terms. B. Voss will meet with Richard Major on the agreement and report back to the group at the next BFS business meeting. The group also agreed to seek outside sponsors to offset any film licensing fees and film package deals from film distributors. The group further discussed fun, interactive ways to solicit feedback from future members and audiences, such as through e-voting systems and informal mixers in-person.


B. Voss reported figures on attendance at the CLIFTEX he gleaned from R. Major. So far, the 12 MIGHTY ORPHANS film has gained the highest attendance at the theatre.

In discussion of new projects, the group decided to throw the BFS’s support behind promoting the free outdoor film screenings at the John A. Lomax Amphitheater in Meridian. The next screening is the film LEATHERHEADS (2008) at 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, August 14, 2021.

The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 10, 2021, at the CLIFTEX. Following the meeting at 6:30 p.m., the group will screen ISHTAR (1987) for our Film Appreciation Night, as presented by Matt and Miriam Wallace.

–Nathan Diebenow, Bosque Film Society Secretary