Meeting Minutes 8/10/2021

Bosque Film Society

Regular Meeting

Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 5:30 p.m.

The CLIFTEX Theatre, 305 West 5th Street, Clifton, Texas 76634

Attendees: Bryan Davis, Nathan Diebenow (Secretary), Will Godby, Angela Smith (Vice President), Matt Wallace, Miriam Wallace (Treasurer), Brett Voss (President), Simone Voss. Not present: Samuel French.

  1. Voss called the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m. and confirmed of the agenda’s posting on the BFS’s website. No citizens from outside the current membership were present to comment in open forum. With a motion made by Miriam Wallace and seconded by Angela Smith, the minutes from the previous meeting were approved unanimously. No financial statement was available to review.

In old business, B. Voss and Matt Wallace updated the group on the status of the BFS’s website ( The site is officially up, and more modifications are on the way. Matt Wallace recommended the group members take more pictures for the site. B. Voss extended much gratitude and high praise to Matt Wallace for working on the site. B. Voss noted he planned to post promotional info about the charter membership drive on the organization’s Facebook page each week going forward. Other planned promos included polo shirts for new charter members. During discussion about vetting potential board members, the group decided to table adding a new board member to the seat recently vacated by Bill Calhoon until after the current membership drive ends on Saturday, October 16, 2021.

In more old business, B. Voss updated the group on his August 3, 2021, meeting with Richard Major. Voss secured the rights for the Society to hold film appreciation nights at the CLIFTEX on August 10, October 11, and December 14, 2021. R. Major offered these nights free of charge. Voss locked-in more dates for 2022: February 8, April 12, June 4, August 8, October 11, and December 13. These 2022 dates are on the CLIFTEX’s “intro rate” ($150 per date). The meeting on November 16, 2021, is planned to be a “meet-and-greet” along with a tour of the CLIFTEX for new Society members. The board members are to secure drawing prizes donated for this meet-and-greet. Voss informed the group that Major designated two more weeks free of charge over the course of the 2022 film season. The intention is for the Society to show movies during these two weeks free to the public. Also Major offered the Society free time to show ads prior to the movies shown at the CLIFTEX in 2022.

In new business, B. Voss led the group in a discussion about a booth promoting the BFS organization at FallFest in Clifton on Saturday, October 16, 2021. Board members will secure drawing prizes and split time manning a booth. The members brainstormed ideas to attract eyeballs to the booth, such as life-size cardboard cutouts of movie stars and characters. The members also discussed films, themes, admission price, and activities for the two BFS hosted events at the CLIFTEX in 2022. The group further brainstormed film selections for the Society’s Christmas-themed screening at the CLIFTEX on December 13, 2021. Among films mentioned were A CHRISTMAS STORY, SCROOGED, DIE HARD, MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET, and A CHRISTMAS CAROLE.

In discussion of new projects, S. Voss noted that she had received a positive connection from a student who is attending Stephen F. Austin University. The meeting adjourned at 6:33 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 14, 2021, at the Clifton Civic Center in Clifton.

–Nathan Diebenow, Bosque Film Society Secretary