“LIFE WITH THE DULL BITS CUT OUT” With its bi-monthly members-only Film Appreciation Night Series, the Bosque Film Society presents Alfred Hitchcock’s 1954 classic mystery thriller REAR WINDOW April 12 at The Cliftex in Clifton


Bosque Film Society Founding Board President

For its third 2022 film series presentation, the Bosque Film Society cordially invites all members to attend its members-only FILM APPRECIATION NIGHT at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 12 at The Cliftex Theatre in Clifton.

Considered one of the greatest films ever made, Bosque Film Society members will be treated to REAR WINDOW on the silver screen, directed by Alfred Hitchcock and starring James Stewart, Grace Kelly, Wendell Corey and Thelma Ritter, featuring an introductory presentation by Bosque Film Society board member Kaye Callaway.

Based on Cornell Woolrich’s 1942 short story “It Had to Be Murder,” critics consider it to be one of Hitchcock’s best as it received four Academy Award nominations and was ranked number 42 on AFI’s 100 Years…100 Movies list. It’s the story of a recuperating news photographer who believes he has witnessed a murder. Confined to a wheelchair after an accident, he spends his time watching the occupants of neighboring apartments through a telephoto lens and binoculars and becomes convinced that a murder has taken place.

And as a special treat for our members, the Bosque Film Society will premiere its first short film project, GAL MANNS SKRIK: MAD MAN’S SCREAM, to an exclusive members-only audience prior to the bi-monthly feature presentation. We will also discuss the process of entering the production in various film festivals.

Inspired by Norwegian painter Edvard Munch’s art “The Scream” along with scenes from Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 “The Shining,” George A. Romero’s 1968 “Night of the Living Dead,” Alfred Hitchcock’s 1960 “Psycho,” Roman Polanski’s 1968 “Rosemary’s Baby,” Jonathan Demme’s 1991 “Silence of the Lambs,” and Wes Craven’s 1996 “Scream,” the film observes a weary writer battling to meet his deadline to complete a manuscript in the late night/early morning hours. As the writer works, glimpses of the developing novel are revealed.

With Bosque Film Society founding board president Brett Voss and filmmaker-in-residence Matt Wallace co-directing, the short film stars Bryan Davis, Nathan Diebenow, Will Godby, Lorana Rush, Angela Smith and Miriam Wallace. Brett Voss and Simone Wichers-Voss developed the story, while Matt Wallace served as Director of Photography and Producer, in association with Mustang International and Southern Cross Creative.

The FILM APPRECIATION NIGHT SERIES represents one of two film series as the society now offer free classic movies to its members every month. Since this will be a private showing, BYOB will be allowed, and the theatre concession stand will be open for purchases. Although the event will be closed to the public, those wishing to become Bosque Film Society members Tuesday night will be admitted. So if you have any friends interested, be sure to bring them with you.

Upcoming ARTHOUSE FILM NIGHT presentations will include: May 10 — Citizen Kane (1941); July 12 — The Seventh Seal (1957); Sept. 13 — Dr. Strangelove (1964); Nov. 8 – Day for Night (1973).

Upcoming FILM APPRECIATION NIGHT presentations will include: June 14 — Butch Cassidy & Sundance Kid (1969), 110 min; Aug. 9 — All That Jazz (1979), 123 min; Oct. 11 — Out of Africa (1985), 161 min; Dec. 13 — Christmas Party: White Christmas (1954), 120 min.

For more information about joining the Bosque Film Society’s non-profit efforts to support The Cliftex Theatre, the longest continuously-operating movie house in Texas, showing films since 1916, visit our website at: