

So, you think you might be interested in being part of the Bosque Film Society. That’s great!

Please complete our MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION FORM. Either Complete the ONLINE form BELOW or Click on this graphic to PRINT.

We invite you to register your interest in joining our ranks by completing our MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION FORM.

Learn more about MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS at the bottom of this page OR CLICK HERE to see a PDF.

You have two options, you can download and print the Member Registration Form on this page OR you can complete the online form below and submit it directly to the Bosque Film Society. Once we receive your registration form, one of our board members will contact you. Or you can mail your registration to: Bosque Film Society, P.O. Box 107, Meridian, Texas 76665


$30 per individual, $50 per couple, $75 per family.

You can pay your Annual Membership Dues via credit card or a hand-delivered or mailed personal check to: Bosque Film Society, P.O. Box 107, Meridian, Texas 76665. Let us know if you have questions. You can contact one of our Board Members or use our CONTACT US form.

We look forward to learning more about you. BRING YOUR FRIENDS ALONG, TOO!


PRINT the form OR complete the form BELOW online.


Established in October 2020, the Bosque Film Society is a non-profit organization focused on promoting film appreciation, education and production in Bosque County, Texas while serving as the "Friends of The Cliftex Theatre," the longest continuously-operating movie theater in Texas.
If you select OTHER, please specify in the final COMMENTS/QUESTIONS section.
If you select OTHER, please specify in the final COMMENTS/QUESTIONS section.
If you select OTHER, please specify in the final COMMENTS/QUESTIONS section.
If you select OTHER, please specify in the final COMMENTS/QUESTIONS section.
If you select OTHER, please specify in the final COMMENTS/QUESTIONS section.
When you hit the SUBMIT button below, you will be automatically taken to the SHOP page where you will be given an opportunity to pay for your MEMBERSHIP DUES using either: a) VENMO where you will need to enter the correct amount, or b) pay online using a CREDIT CARD once you have selected the appropriate option. Thank you!




Established in October 2020, the Bosque Film Society is a non-profit organization focused on promoting film appreciation, education and production in Bosque County, Texas while serving as the “Friends of The Cliftex Theatre,” the longest continuously-operating movie theater in Texas.


Those interested in becoming a part of the Bosque Film Society can join as a MEMBER for the annual fee of $30 per person, $50 per couple, or $75 per family, good through Dec. 31, 2022.


▪ To fellowship with like-minded, movie buffs from Bosque County’s “film-friendly communities”
▪ To attend our monthly members-only Film Appreciation Nights featuring classic films at the Cliftex

▪ To participate in the planning of themed movie events locally
▪ To promote film appreciation through discussion & presentations of different likes & tastes
▪ To promote film education through understanding techniques and concepts
▪ To promote film production by providing hands-on opportunities for members
▪ To develop an annual film festival in Bosque County


Those interested in becoming supportive, non-active members of the Bosque Film Society can participate in our PATRON PROGRAM. For more information, please contact Bosque Film Society Board President Brett Voss at 254-247-5703.


Those interested in becoming supportive, non-active sponsors of the Bosque Film Society can participate in our BUSINESS/CORPORATE SPONSOR PROGRAM. For more information, please contact Bosque Film Society Board President Brett Voss at 254-247-5703.


Please send Charter Membership Registration forms and checks to: Bosque Film Society, P.O. Box 107, Meridian, Texas 76665.