Meeting Minutes 11/09/2021

Bosque Film Society

Regular Board of Directors Meeting – Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 5:30 p.m.

Clifton Civic Center, 403 West 3th Street, Clifton, Texas 76634

Attendees: Bryan Davis, Nathan Diebenow (Secretary), Will Godby, Angela Smith (Vice President), Matt Wallace, Miriam Wallace (Treasurer), Brett Voss (President), Simone Voss. Not present: Samuel French.

  1. Voss called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m. and confirmed of the agenda’s posting on the BFS’s website. No citizens from outside the current membership were present to comment in open forum. With a motion made by Miriam Wallace and seconded by Smith, the board unanimously approved the minutes from the previous meeting. No meeting was held in October 2021 due to scheduling conflicts with other events as well as the free Halloween film weekend.

Miriam Wallace presented the financial report, noting the Society has roughly $6,100 in the bank. The Society spent $780 on the first free Halloween film weekend. Also the current number of paid charter members is 98, which amounts to $2,000 in dues. With a motion made by Davis and seconded by Smith, the board approved the financial report unanimously.

In old business, S. Voss presented a short report the demographics and survey results from the Society’s charter members. As a whole, more females (53%) than males (47%) comprise the membership. About 85% of the members are aged 50+. The most popular genre is drama. Of the 143 favorite movies listed, the top three are GONE WITH THE WIND, GODFATHER, and THE SOUND OF MUSIC. Of favorite actors and actresses, the top are Tom Hanks, John Wayne, and Robert Duvall, and Meryl Streep, Katherine Hepburn, and Sandra Bullock. The most popular directors are Spielberg, Hitchcock, and Coppola/Eastwood.

  1. Voss reported on the free Halloween film fest, noting the attendance was 484 across six shows (Thursday: 72; Friday: 150; Saturday: 201; Sunday: 62). In terms of positives observed, the free Halloween film weekend was The CLIFTEX’s most profitable in concession sales (doubling the usual sales) since the Majors first purchased the theater. The other two top weekends this year were 12 MIGHTY ORPHANS (two weekends) and JUNGLE CRUISE (one weekend), though Disney ate most of their profits. Reflecting on lessons learned, the board discussed seating capacity limits, tweaking the theater’s audio system, creating short ads promoting “movie theater etiquette,” assisting the concession stand crew, scheduling the free films according to age groups, and encouraging Society’s members to take extra care in following the theater’s policies.

In new business, the board finalized plans for the “Meet & Greet” for charter members on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, at The CLIFTEX. The raffle prizes will include the six movies on Blu-Ray shown at the recent free Halloween film fest, a free performance by Miriam Wallace, and free film night at The CLIFTEX. S. Voss and Davis volunteered to prepare light finger-foods; Smith will bring soda, water and extra lights, and the Wallace’s, sound system and music. The event will also give charter members special time to vote on movies for next year’s film appreciation nights. The selections will come from the members’ surveys.

Due to the success of the Halloween film fest which excited the Majors, B. Voss presented a proposal for a free Christmas “double feature” night in December 2021. After discussion, the board settled on a possible date (Tuesday, December 21) and possible films (THE POLAR EXPRESS at 4 p.m. and WHITE CHRISTMAS at 7 p.m.).

The board also agreed on dates for the two free film festivals the Society intends to sponsor at The CLIFTEX in 2022. February 10-13, 2022, will feature rom-coms and/or musicals while July 7-10, 2022, will feature Clint Eastwood’s classic westerns. These months were selected because they’re historically slow periods of the year regarding The CLIFTEX’s attendance.

Matt Wallace updated the board on progress on the BFS’s short film project. Though it won’t be finished in time for the charter members’ “Meet & Greet” night, a trailer for the film will be shown then.

  1. Voss reminded the board members they can submit written pieces (film reviews, anecdotes, etc.) for the BFS website as well as the monthly newsletter he plans to launch soon.

The meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 14, 2021, at the CLIFTEX. After the meeting, SCROOGED will be screened for the Society’s Christmas party.

–Nathan Diebenow, Bosque Film Society Secretary