Meeting Minutes 09/14/2021

Bosque Film Society

Regular Board of Directors Meeting – Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 5:30 p.m.

Clifton Civic Center, 403 West 3th Street, Clifton, Texas 76634

Attendees: Bryan Davis, Nathan Diebenow (Secretary), Will Godby, Angela Smith (Vice President), Matt Wallace, Miriam Wallace (Treasurer), Brett Voss (President). Not present: Samuel French and Simone Voss.

  1. Voss called the meeting to order at 5:29 p.m. and confirmed of the agenda’s posting on the BFS’s website. No citizens from outside the current membership were present to comment in open forum. With a motion made by Miriam Wallace and seconded by Bryan Davis, the minutes from the previous meeting were approved unanimously. No financial statement was available to review, but Miriam W. updated the group on available cash ($2060), and B. Voss noted the Society had received a $1000 grant with no strings attached from an anonymous donor from Waco. Also the current number of paid members amounted to 31 with $810 in dues, and 41 folks submitted their membership applications. The money is in the Society’s new bank account (#18331339) located at First Security State Bank.

In old business, B. Voss reported the Society’s charter member drive reached 30,500 people through Facebook. So far the drive has only been advertised to folks living in Bosque County via Facebook. Flyers have also been distributed locally. Future drives may reach out to folks living across Texas.

In more old business, B. Voss reported on this Sept. 8, 2021, meeting with CLIFTEX owner Richard Major about the Society’s film screening dates in 2022. Dates are open for the Society to choose, so the board needs to brainstorm for events. During their conversation, B. Voss said Major was open to the Society hosting Halloween-themed films over Halloween weekend this year. With a motion made by Miriam Wallace and seconded by Angela Smith, the board approved hosting six free Halloween-themed film screenings on Thursday (Frankenstein), Friday (The Addams Family & Beetlejuice), Saturday (Monster House & Casper), and Sunday (E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial), Oct. 28-31, at the CLIFTEX. The motion included spending $712.34 for acquiring the rights to show the movies, buying Blu-Ray discs of the movies, and buying a few full-size cardboard cutouts of famous movie monsters.

In additional old business, the board approved spending $365 for the purchase of 4 cardboard cutouts of movie stars and characters (Marilyn Monroe, John Wayne, C3P0, and R2D2). A. Smith abstained from the vote. The cutouts will be used for promotional purposes during Fall Fest on October 16, 2021, in Clifton. Board members will man a booth with a red carpet treatment on North Avenue D promoting the Society’s charter member drive, the final sign-up time of which will be that day.

In the last bit of old business, the board tentatively decided to show Scrooged for the Society’s Christmas party scheduled for its Tuesday, December 14, 2021, meeting at the CLIFTEX.

In new business, the board tabled discussion on two more possible BFS-hosted free events until after the November 2021 meeting. The board also agreed to participate in the creation of a horror film short suggested by Matt Wallace. The proposed 8-10 minute short will promote the Society using scenes recreated from classic horror/thriller movies. Members were encouraged to brainstorm favorite scenes.

The meeting adjourned at 7:07 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 12, 2021, at the CLIFTEX. After the meeting, B. Voss is to present the film Don’t Look Now.

–Nathan Diebenow, Bosque Film Society Secretary